Bridge to Experience
We owe the strong relations we established at Kastamonu Entegre to our warm and human-oriented communication approach. Our first action during all new engagements is to hear our colleagues out on their insights and prioritize the employee experience to build the bridge to experience together.
We build on our colleagues’ experiences when improving our processes and we hear our colleagues out before progressing to create a welcoming and happier working environment at our company.
Kastamonu Entegre reaches out to the world in pursuit of continuous improvement and we owe our multilocational and multicultural structure to our shared values. We nurture a shared experience with our colleagues in which we learn, create, enjoy, and, perhaps most importantly, engage together. We value a modern, fair, tolerant, constructive, attentive, and humble attitude in this sincere interaction and adopt a “People-Oriented” perspective.

Employee Experience
We share dreams and goals with our colleagues at Kastamonu Entegre and are motivated by the lives we touch and the relations we establish with them. Our first goal in every new engagement is to hear our colleagues out to get their insights and to progress in our new projects and engagements once we receive an answer to the question: “So, how do our colleagues feel about this and how will they feel later?”
On our company’s journey to becoming a global leader, we meet periodically with our communications team, or “ImpacTeam,” which consists of production plants, associates from our subsidiaries abroad, and headquarters teams who will both provide input to designs and help disseminate projects on all fields of operation, including transformation, development, and communication. We listen to our colleagues during our “Let’s Talk” sessions to create a welcoming and happier working environment at our company to improve the employee experience.
We value the unconditional recognition of success and strive to deliver this practice sustainable for all employees in our group. To this end, we closely monitor remuneration markets in our countries of operation through national and international market research and formulate a fair and competitive remuneration policy based on our market analysis. We support our remuneration policy with additional benefits and include fringe benefits in line with our colleagues’ expectations and needs. The flexible benefits aim to ease our colleagues’ daily lives.

International Assignments
We continuously enrich our global vision through our multilocational and multicultural structure and our diversity. Enabling career development and offering continuous learning opportunities for our employees at our subsidiaries abroad are some of our strategic priorities in creating a competent workforce.
We classify international assignments into four categories, which are long-term, short-term, project-based, and career development to help our employees gain international development opportunities in different countries.

KEAS Employees Recall Their International Assignment Experiences
Özkan Çeşme
I’ve been working at Kastamonu Entegre for nine years. I had the opportunity to work in three different countries over the course of the past nine years. I participated in the projects at our Russia, Italy, and Bulgaria facilities.
There is a significant benefit from adjusting to the culture and way of business in the host country as well as ensuring coordination. Developing a vision is another benefit. Furthermore, gaining international experience provides a wider perspective.
Global Investment and Projects Directorate supported me at all times, and I never felt alone along the way. This illustrates the people-oriented nature of our company.
Working abroad requires significant effort and dedication. At Kastamonu Entegre, my efforts have always been rewarded. I've always felt our company's support behind me. I feel lucky to be a part of this family.
Selim Cephe
I’ve been a Kastamonu Entegre employee for 10 years. I worked at the headquarters for a year before being assigned to Bulgaria and I’ve been here at the Kastamonu Bulgaria facility for nine years.
Being assigned abroad presents new development opportunities. You gain a new perspective, you get to learn a new language, and you can create a wider network. Basically, living in a different country comes with new and unique opportunities.
I was included in the MT program when I started working at the headquarters. I served in all departments of Financial Affairs and Finance Directorate. Then I was assigned to the facility in Bulgaria. I always had my team’s and my company’s supports throughout these experiences.
I started off my career as a Structured Funding Specialist before being assigned as Financial Controller in Bulgaria. I was Financial Affairs Manager for a brief period afterward. I currently serve as CFO.
I’m so proud to have climbed the ladder from the entry position in this company all the way up to a top management position. I sincerely hope for our beautiful partnership to last for many years to come.
Emre Yılmaz
I joined Kastamonu Entegre family on June 1, 2009. I started working at the position of Sales Support Specialist. By the time I began aspiring for more at my job, the company had decided to invest in Russia and notified me that they were considering my assignment on the project. I was so excited to build something from scratch. I started my job working on this new investment in Russia on June 1, 2013, and I was involved in the establishment of all of the systems. I was initially assigned to the sales of laminate flooring, but MDF and gloss products were later added to my responsibilities.
Kastamonu Entegre continued to support me in all terms of aspects throughout my assignment in Russia. The adaptation process was easy thanks to the continuous support from our company.
I learned a lot from my experience in Russia. I traveled through 24 countries including Turkic States and Eastern European countries and experienced different cultures. I highly improved my problem-solving skills. I also learned to see the positives in everything.
I returned to the headquarters from Russia. I’m currently Group Director for Laminate Flooring Export. Keeping in touch with our associates abroad remains a part of my job.
Adrian Crisan
My KEAS adventure started in 2011 on Kastamonu Romania Factory as Area Sales Manager. In the beginning I was responsible for the domestic market of door skin. After 1 year, I was assigned also for export markets for same product. I was responsible for Hungary, Czech Republic, and Netherland markets. After second half of 2013 I have started to be responsible for particle board markets as Export Manager. In 2017 our group decided to invest Italy due to our good results. When we were acquiring the factory from local producer, I got proposed to work for Italy sales and marketing department. When we acquired the facility there were no production in the past 5 years. In 2018 we started to be producing again after 1-year preparations. Italy is very important asset for our company because everything starts in Italy afterwards other markets follow. I would like to mention another important point of our group. While we were acquiring the facility in Italy, owner of our group summoned us to HQ and collected our ideas regarding this investment. I think it shows that how your ideas valuable for company. These kinds of actions cause increase your loyalty against company and make you feel that you are working in a very big family. When I got offer for working in Italy, I have to say that it wasn’t easy decision for me. I had long conversation with my family. My family had supported me but the most significant point that I didn’t doubt while I am taking the decision is I always feel safe in this group. In the beginning of my Italy assignment, naturally I had faced some difficulties such as transportation, getting accepted by foreigner culture. Especially Italian people stick their culture deeply but, in this point, we were lucky because Turkish culture and Italy culture has a lot of common points. While you were working in different country, it allows you to experience different working styles, mentalities and providing continues development opportunities. Currently I am Sales and Marketing Director of Italy. I hope we will achieve more together.
Rail Khabibullin
I joined the Kastamonu family in 2014 and have been a part of this family for 9 years. I worked at plants in Gebze, Adana, Kastamonu and Balıkesir to support maintenance processes. These visits we pay last 1 to 2 weeks. I can say that my business network and Turkish skills improved during our visits. Again, the same visits are being used an additional input into the promotion processes. We have always had the support of our corporation for the scheduling of our visits and whenever needed. I started work on the laminate flooring line as a Feeder, followed by the positions of operator, foreman and engineer. Now, I am continuing to serve as a senior engineer. I am thrilled to be a part of this family. I hope we will achieve more together.
Veysel Köşger
I’ve been a member of this family since 2000. I've had the opportunity to work in Romania, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bulgaria throughout this period.
I've developed the ability to take a global perspective on events while working abroad. Through this experience, I've also learned to work effectively across cultures.
Kastamonu Entegre holds a very special place in my life. I was involved in all stages of the Romania investment, which gave me a unique sense of ownership. This is evident given that Kastamonu Entegre has been my longest place of employment so far.
I've worked in many different positions at Kastamonu Entegre. I returned to Turkey in 2018, and I currently work as Affiliates Raw Material Supply Unit Manager.
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